Thursday, November 24, 2011

Holiday Focus

And so I sit here after yet another bountiful Thanksgiving meal. I can't possibly eat another yam at the moment and I just want to lie down. Is there a way to enjoy the rest while still focusing on my goals? I think so, and hope so. I think that's the challenging thing about rest is we all need it, and yet it's easy to lose momentum when you get caught up in it. Finishing up reading Mastery about martial arts and learning philosophy applied to life. Journey is better than destination type stuff. Great stuff. But I want to finish so I can start on The War of Art, which is about overcoming resistance toward goals.

Resistance comes in such subtle ways, "I'm tired after work or whatever, I'll just watch this one tv program", "I'll just have this one donut.", etc. until you realize you've been on the couch for three hours and now just want go to sleep. There are ways to trick yourself, and head the right direction instead. If I can just ride my bike around the neighborhood in the morning if nothing else. If I can work on music recording goals for just 5 minutes at the end of the day. Just take a moment to straighten shoes the way we do at the beginning of Aikido class. Force myself to make conversation with one or two relatives at Thanksgiving. Hey this stuff definitely seems to help. We're all growing and if we mess up, guess what, we can still get up and jump right back on track. Grace is great.

And so a toast to dreams to all. (Holds up wineglass)
My advice to all for the holidays is hold on to dreams like your life depended on it through the hustle and bustle and of course: be nice!

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