Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hippie to hipster

What happens when a melancholy type who normally keeps to himself starts learning to interact with society around him while not compromising his own ideals? People around get surprised sometimes, and yet it makes total sense to the individual, meaning me of course. Introverted hippie to mildly social hipster. How? The answer: beer.

Okay, just kidding. I'm on a train to Seattle on vacation. Not exactly new territory, but a cheap getaway. I've recently managed to put together the track to Far Beyond, which needs a few tweaks here and there, but I'm pretty pleased at how it's come out. I have a few other songs in the works as well. These are my dreams and fortunately I'm still in a position where I can fulfill them if I set my mind to it. I've had some epiphanies about myself lately, and the process is still going on, but I feel right about things. That there's no way to go but forward.

I also shaved my head and dyed my gotee (though people don't seem to notice that with the shock of the head). And I'm pleased with the result.
I really like the beatnik look, and others seem to like it as well. The ladies think it looks interesting, and now it gives me even more of an excuse to play with their long hair when I say I have to, because I don't have any now.
Everywhere I go people who know me that haven't seen yet are in shock. And while the attention is fun, sometimes I just wear my beanie when I want a break.

So here I am awaiting arrival. What to do in Seattle with my brother? Not sure, but maybe a wild night of fried fish brought from Pike Place or maybe a ramen house or oyster soup at Elliots. I guess I'll find out huh?